Monday, November 22, 2004


Feel like going to collaspe anytime today.. thk God for the coffee today.. if not hard to stay awake.. Good sermon on psalm 23, life verse as well. But been tryin hard to apply in my life.. but so far cant make it... Today was a bad day for me.. fallin sick soon.. i feel it coming.. n at the end of the day.. overcome by the unknown feelin in me.. super miserable n depressed.. jus feel like cryin.. overwhelmin me to the brim.. Think i got a rough idea of wats the thing abt.. someday it will be reveal by God grace... i believe i can over come it. haiz.. for the time being.. really dunno wat to do..
mus jia you n press on in my walk with God.. obeyin His commands.. mus do it!!!

1 comment:

v.nice said...

jabez! wanted to post a comment on your recent posts... but can't find any place to post my comments. tsk! i'm glad that you're a believer and you write your thoughts down. it's one way of getting to know yourself better. i hope you'll get to read this. lol. by the way, are you in singapore or australia? anyway, you are free to check out my life's journey and reflections at

hope to hear from you!