Thursday, September 30, 2004

Sitting at the table, staring blankly at his com..
Moodiness fills him up, another day has passed...
Thoughts rush thru his mind, past, present and the future...

Mistakes made, lessons learnt, failure and success...
'God has brought him thru, never once leaving him alone..
Building from past experience, he moves on..

the life he is living.. changing as he grows..
Everyday is a learning process..
Obstacles, trials, cross roads....
He dealt with them one by one...

He tries to look ahead...
Ambitions, dreams, planing he has made...
Young as he was, guided by family....
Day has come.. He is no longer a teenager..
Adult hood beckons him on..
Thrown into the world...
Facing unknown circumstances...
Every step, every path, every decision seems crucial..
Every time he look ahead.. everything seems so blur, foggy...
Fear, worries, concern gripped him..
But hope is always there..
As he thought through...
All the years, God has brought him through difficult times in his life..

Turning to God...
He knows he is in safe hands...
God is the someone he can always turn to....
Loving and caring, providing...
God is only a prayer away...
Theres only one set of footprints in the difficult times of his life..
Because God has carried him thru those period..
For God is ever loving, caring, merciful..
Great is Thy loving kindness, and compassion...
Thank God...