Sunday, May 13, 2007

Crushed and defeated...
Broken and scattered...
Tears and dust remains...
Heart filled with confusion...
Heart filled with pain....
Heart filled with questions...
Answers seems to flee...
Hidden beyond the clouds...
Simply like chasing down the winds...
Once again, coming to the throne...
Utterly lost and broken...
To seek His face...
Where silence seems unbearable...
Where hope seems so far away...
Gentle words rung in the heart...
"Trust in Me"....
"Wait upon the Lord"...
"You are in good hands"...


In life, waiting upon the Lord is one of the toughest period. Not knowing what is happening and the reason behind it. Dun even know the questions to ask... but simply cried out to the Lord and commit everything to Him once again. For a moment everything seems to have subsided and taken away. The next moment, what was taken away suddenly seems to have be returned twice fold... Bearing the broken and a contrite heart to the Lord again... cryin out to Him... though i may not understand the exact reason.. and things are reveal yet. I will still hold on to the Lord.. and continue to commit it to Him. I must not give up on the Lord.. for He has never forsaken me at all. Difficult it is to face.. but its only God i can depend on... The same question stand "Is there someone on the case?" Or God is the only one on my case... so tt i can learn to depend on Him more and build up the relationship with Him to a deeper extent. Remember God is all i need... God is all i need... God is all i need....

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